NAV Navbar

Getting Started

What is the dAPI?

The dAPI is a package interface for communicating with the NEO N3 blockchain. The methods are handled by an existing wallet provider, such as the O3 wallet, and help to reduce the development overhead associated with creating dApps on NEO N3.

By offloading the responsibility of NEO N3 blockchain interactions to a wallet provider, dApp developers do no have to worry about managing users private keys or how to format transactions to be signed and broadcast. The developer no long has to worry about user onboarding flows related to creating and managing a users secure credentials, and can just focus on the development of their core dApp.

On the user side, since all transactions that a dApp needs to broadcast to the blockchain will be handled by the users wallet proivder, they can feel safe knowing that they never need to copy and paste their private key into a dApp again. Any transaction that a user signs will be done so in the wallet, and their private key will never be provided to the dApp.


dAPI client integrations are currently facilited via a versioned JS package, and can be imported to your application either via CDN or NPM.

Install via CDN

<script src=""></script>


When installing via CDN, it's always recommended to reference a specific version of the neo3-dapi package, to protect your app from possible method interface updates. In this example the version referenced in the url is 1.0.3.

Install via NPM

npm i --save neo3-dapi


yarn add neo3-dapi
var neo3Dapi = require('neo3-dapi');


import neo3Dapi from 'neo3-dapi';

npm version

When installing via NPM, it's always advised to lockdown your package version to either the specific version only, or to patch updates.

Dev Environment

The client JS package will help to facilitate all communications with the provider wallet, and the only requirement is that you have the O3 wallet running in the background. For development purposes, we recommend using the O3 desktop application, which can be downloaded from

As long as you have the O3 desktop application open in the background. You can open your dApp in any web browser, and the JS package will automatically communicate with the background wallet.

Private Net

If you are looking to develop your own smart contracts, or would like to test sending assets without having to worry about requesting assets on testnet, O3 has made a private net available for you to run on your local computer. This locally hosted private net will provide you will full controll over all the NEO and GAS in your network, and it can be reset at anytime.

For more information please see the private net repo:

Mobile Compatability

We suggest doing the majority of your development using O3 desktop and using the mobile device simulator in the Chrome debugger. Once your app has been tested and fully functional, the JS package should automatically connect when running in the O3 mobile wallet with no additional changes.

API Methods

Read Methods

Read methods do not alter the state of the blockchain. It can help you query information about your user, and provide you with relevant information:


.then((provider: Provider) => {
  const {
  } = provider;

  const {
  } = extra;

  console.log('Provider name: ' + name);
  console.log('Provider website: ' + website);
  console.log('Provider dAPI version: ' + version);
  console.log('Provider dAPI compatibility: ' + JSON.stringify(compatibility));
  console.log('Provider UI theme: ' + theme);
  console.log('Provider Base currency: ' + currency);
.catch(({type: string, description: string, data: any}) => {
  switch(type) {
    case NO_PROVIDER:
      console.log('No provider available.');
      console.log('The user rejected the request to connect with your dApp.');

Example Response

  name: 'Awesome Wallet',
  website: '',
  version: 'v0.0.1',
  compatibility: [
  extra: {
    theme: 'Light Mode',
    currency: 'USD',

Returns information about the dAPI provider, including who this provider is, the version of their dAPI, and the NEP that the interface is compatible with.

Input Arguments


Success Response
Parameter Type Description
name String The name of the wallet provider
website String The website of the wallet provider
version String The version of the dAPI that the the wallet supports
compatibility String[] A list of all applicable NEPs which the wallet provider supports
extra Object Provider specific attributes
Parameter Type Description
theme string UI theme of the provider
currency string Base currency set by user
Error Response
Parameter Type Description
type String The type of error which has occured
description String? A description of the error which has occured
data String? Any raw data associated with the error


.then(response => {
  const {
  } = response;

  console.log('chainId: ' + chainId);
  // eg. 4

  console.log('Networks: ' + networks);
  // eg. ["MainNet", "TestNet", "N3TestNet"]

  console.log('Default network: ' + defaultNetwork);
  // eg. "N3TestNet"
.catch(({type: string, description: string, data: any}) => {
  switch(type) {
    case NO_PROVIDER:
      console.log('No provider available.');
      console.log('The user rejected the request to connect with your dApp');

Example Response

  chainId: 4,
  networks: ["MainNet", "TestNet", "N3TestNet"],
  defaultNetwork: "N3TestNet"

Returns the networks the wallet provider has available to connect to, along with the default network the wallet is currently set to.

Input Arguments


Success Response
Parameter Type Description
networks String[] A list of all networks which this wallet provider allows access to
chainId Number ChainId the wallet is currently set to
defaultNetwork String Network the wallet is currently set to
Chain IDs Type

These are the IDs of the Neo chain supported by O3 Desktop.

chainId Description
1 ChainId 1 is the Neo2 MainNet
2 ChainId 2 is the Neo2 TestNet
3 ChainId 3 is the N3 MainNet
4 ChainId 4 is the N3 TestNet (Currently only N3 TestNet)
Error Response
Parameter Type Description
type String The type of error which has occured
description String? A description of the error which has occured
data String? Any raw data associated with the error


.then((account: Account) => {
  const {
  } = account;

  console.log('Account address: ' + address);
  console.log('Account label: ' + label);
.catch(({type: string, description: string, data: any}) => {
  switch(type) {
    case NO_PROVIDER:
      console.log('No provider available.');
      console.log('The user rejected the request to connect with your dApp');

Example Response

  address: 'NaUjKgf5vMuFt7Ffgfffcpc41uH3adx1jq',
  label: 'My Spending Wallet'

Return the Account that is currently connected to the dApp.

Success Response
Parameter Type Description
address String The address of the account that is currently connected to the dapp
label String A label the users has set to identify their wallet
Error Response
Parameter Type Description
type String The type of error which has occured
description String? A description of the error which has occured
data String? Any raw data associated with the error


.then((account: Account) => {
  const {
  } = account;

  console.log('Account address: ' + address);
  console.log('Account label: ' + label);
.catch(({type: string, description: string, data: any}) => {
  switch(type) {
    case NO_PROVIDER:
      console.log('No provider available.');
      console.log('The user rejected the request to connect with your dApp');

Example Response

  address: 'NaUjKgf5vMuFt7Ffgfffcpc41uH3adx1jq',
  label: 'My Spending Wallet'

Return a Neo N3 Account.

Success Response
Parameter Type Description
address String A NEO N3 address of your choice
label String A label the users has set to identify their wallet
Error Response
Parameter Type Description
type String The type of error which has occured
description String? A description of the error which has occured
data String? Any raw data associated with the error


.then((publicKeyData: PublicKeyData) => {
  const {
  } = publicKeyData;

  console.log('Account address: ' + address);
  console.log('Account public key: ' + publicKey);
.catch(({type: string, description: string, data: any}) => {
  switch(type) {
    case NO_PROVIDER:
      console.log('No provider available.');
      console.log('The user rejected the request to connect with your dApp');

Example Response

  address: 'NaUjKgf5vMuFt7Ffgfffcpc41uH3adx1jq',
  publicKey: '6PYKGV4numxfoswwCedXzhb1oNCC8W4tEdfFPdtWtFa8WidpzYfeJkd2To'

Return the public key of the Account that is currently connected to the dApp.

Success Response
Parameter Type Description
address String The address of the account that is currently connected to the dapp
publicKey String The public key of the account that is currently connected to the dapp
Error Response
Parameter Type Description
type String The type of error which has occured
description String? A description of the error which has occured
data String? Any raw data associated with the error


  params: [{
    address: 'NaUjKgf5vMuFt7Ffgfffcpc41uH3adx1jq',
    contracts: ['NEO']
  network: 'N3TestNet',
.then((results: BalanceResults) => {
  Object.keys(results).forEach(address => {
    const balances = results[address];
    balances.forEach(balance => {
      const { contract, symbol, amount } = balance

      console.log('Address: ' + address);
      console.log('Contract: ' + contract);
      console.log('Contract symbol: ' + symbol);
      console.log('Amount: ' + amount);
.catch(({type: string, description: string, data: any}) => {
  switch(type) {
    case NO_PROVIDER:
      console.log('No provider available.');
      console.log('The user rejected the request to connect with your dApp');

Single Address with specific balances requested

// input
  params: [{
    address: 'NaUjKgf5vMuFt7Ffgfffcpc41uH3adx1jq',
    contracts: ['GAS']
  network: 'N3TestNet',

// output
  NaUjKgf5vMuFt7Ffgfffcpc41uH3adx1jq: [
      contract: '0xd2a4cff31913016155e38e474a2c06d08be276cf',
      symbol: 'GAS',
      amount: '432.4085032',

Single Address with all balances requested

// input
  params: {
    address: 'NaUjKgf5vMuFt7Ffgfffcpc41uH3adx1jq'
  network: 'N3TestNet',

// output
  NaUjKgf5vMuFt7Ffgfffcpc41uH3adx1jq: [
      contract: '0xef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5',
      symbol: 'NEO',
      amount: '0',
      contract: '0xd2a4cff31913016155e38e474a2c06d08be276cf',
      symbol: 'GAS',
      amount: '432.4085032',

Multiple address balance queries

// input
  params: [
      address: 'NaUjKgf5vMuFt7Ffgfffcpc41uH3adx1jq',
      address: 'NYMeJFcVKEkvG3Q89eBQCXqrYLHz4kTAdQ',
      contracts: ['NEO'],
  network: 'N3TestNet',

// output
  NaUjKgf5vMuFt7Ffgfffcpc41uH3adx1jq: [
      contract: "0xef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5",
      symbol: "NEO",
      amount: "0"
      contract: "0xd2a4cff31913016155e38e474a2c06d08be276cf",
      symbol: "GAS",
      amount: "432.4085032"
      contract: "0xef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5",
      symbol: "NEO",
      amount: "52"

Allows the DAPP to query the balance of a user, this includes both native assets (NEO/GAS) and NEP-17 tokens

Input Arguments
Parameter Type Description
params BalanceRequest or BalanceRequest[] A list of Balance Request Objects, specifying which addresses, and which assets to query
network String The call will only work for the networks available in the GetNetworks command
Balance Request
Parameter Type Description
address String The address whose balance you want to query
contracts String[] A list of contract hash (or symbold) to query the balance for
Success Response
Parameter Type Description
address_1 BalanceResponse[] This key is the actual address of the query eg. "AeysVbKWiLSuSDhg7DTzUdDyYYKfgjojru"
address_2 BalanceResponse[] This key is the actual address of the query eg. "AbKNY45nRDy6B65YPVz1B6YXiTnzRqU2uQ"
address_n BalanceResponse[] This key is the actual address of the query eg. "AUdawyrLMskxXMUE8osX9mSLKz8R7777kE"
Parameter Type Description
contract String contract of the given hash
symbol String Symbol of the given contract
amount String Double Value of the balance represented as a String


  scriptHash: '006b26dd0d2aa076b11082847a094772450f05af',
  key: 'token0',
  network: 'N3TestNet'
.then(res => {
  const value = res.result;
  console.log('Storage value: ' + value);
.catch(({type: string, description: string, data: any}) => {
  switch(type) {
    case NO_PROVIDER:
      console.log('No provider available.');
      console.log('Connection dApp not connected. Please call the "connect" function.');
    case RPC_ERROR:
      console.log('There was an error when broadcasting this transaction to the network.');

Example Response

  result: 'wYCMqLCTIUiax57E8Zd/O9xN3l8='

Returns the raw value located in contract storage

Input Arguments
Parameter Type Description
scriptHash String Scripthash of the contract whose storage you are querying on
key String Key of the storage value to retrieve from the contract
network String Network alias to submit this request to.
Success Response
Parameter Type Description
result String The raw value located in contract storage
Error Response
Parameter Type Description
type String The type of error which has occured
description String? A description of the error which has occured
data String? Any raw data associated with the error


  scriptHash: "0xef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5",
  operation: "balanceOf",
  args: [
      type: "Address",
      value: "NYxb4fSZVKAz8YsgaPK2WkT3KcAE9b3Vag"
  network: "N3TestNet"
.then((result: Object) => {
  console.log('Read invocation result: ' + JSON.stringify(result));
.catch(({type: string, description: string, data: any}) => {
  switch(type) {
    case NO_PROVIDER:
      console.log('No provider available.');
      console.log('Connection dApp not connected. Please call the "connect" function.');
   case RPC_ERROR:
    console.log('There was an error when broadcasting this transaction to the network.');

Example Response

  "script": "DBSPGGqUKpybpotgzGQ8Z+jwK4ovdhHAHwwJYmFsYW5jZU9mDBT1Y+pAvCg9TQ4FxI6jBbPyoHNA70FifVtS",
  "state": "HALT",
  "gasconsumed": "2028330",
  "exception": null,
  "stack": [
      "type": "Integer",
      "value": "48929339"

Execute a contract invocation in read-only mode.

Input Arguments
Parameter Type Description
scriptHash String The script hash of the contract you want to invoke a read on
operation String The operation on the smart contract that you want to invoke a read on
args Argument[] The input arguments necessary to perform this operation
signers Signers[]? Sender and the effective scope of signature
network String Network alias to submit this request to. If omitted, will default the network which the wallet is set to
Parameter Type Description
type String The type of the argument with you are using
value String String representation of the argument which you are using
Parameter Type Description
account String Script hash of the account
scopes Number Effective range of the signature
allowedContracts Array? Signs array of the allowed contract scripts
allowedGroups Array? Signs public keys of the allowed contract groups
Field Description
0 The signature is used for transactions only, and is disabled in contracts
1 The signature is only effective to the contract script called by Entry
16 The signature is only effective to the specified contract script
32 The signature is effective to contracts in the group.
128 The signature is globally effective. It is the default value of Neo Legacy and is backward compatible.
Success Response

The wallet will return the direct response from the RPC node.

Parameter Type Description
script String The script which was run
state String Status of the executeion
gas_consumed String Estimated amount of GAS to be used to execute the invocation. (Up to 10 free per transaction)
stack Argument[] An array of response arguments
Error Response
Parameter Type Description
type String The type of error which has occured
description String? A description of the error which has occured
data String? Any raw data associated with the error


  invokeReadArgs: [
      scriptHash: "0xef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5",
      operation: "balanceOf",
      args: [
          type: "Address",
          value: "NYxb4fSZVKAz8YsgaPK2WkT3KcAE9b3Vag"
      scriptHash: "0xef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5",
      operation: "balanceOf",
      args: [
          type: "Address",
          value: "NZHf1NJvz1tvELGLWZjhpb3NqZJFFUYpxT"
  network: "N3TestNet"
.then((result: Object) => {
  console.log('Read invocation result: ' + JSON.stringify(result));
.catch(({type: string, description: string, data: any}) => {
  switch(type) {
    case NO_PROVIDER:
      console.log('No provider available.');
      console.log('Connection dApp not connected. Please call the "connect" function.');
   case RPC_ERROR:
    console.log('There was an error when broadcasting this transaction to the network.');

Example Response

    "script": "DBSPGGqUKpybpotgzGQ8Z+jwK4ovdhHAHwwJYmFsYW5jZU9mDBT1Y+pAvCg9TQ4FxI6jBbPyoHNA70FifVtS",
    "state": "HALT",
    "gasconsumed": "2028330",
    "exception": null,
    "stack": [
        "type": "Integer",
        "value": "48929339"
    "script": "DBSSs5x3qmDym1fBc87ZF/F/0yGm6xHAHwwJYmFsYW5jZU9mDBT1Y+pAvCg9TQ4FxI6jBbPyoHNA70FifVtS",
    "state": "HALT",
    "gasconsumed": "2028330",
    "exception": null,
    "stack": [
        "type": "Integer",
        "value": "15000000"

Execute a contract invocation in read-only mode.

Input Arguments
Parameter Type Description
invokeReadArgs InvokeReadArguments[] The script hash of the contract you want to invoke a read on
signers Signers[] Sender and the effective scope of signature
network String Network alias to submit this request to. If omitted, will default the network which the wallet is set to
Parameter Type Description
scriptHash String The script hash of the contract you want to invoke a read on
operation String The operation on the smart contract that you want to invoke a read on
args Argument[] The input arguments necessary to perform this operation
Parameter Type Description
type String The type of the argument with you are using
value String String representation of the argument which you are using
Parameter Type Description
account String Script hash of the account
scopes Number Effective range of the signature
allowedContracts Array? Signs array of the allowed contract scripts
allowedGroups Array? Signs public keys of the allowed contract groups
Field Description
0 The signature is used for transactions only, and is disabled in contracts
1 The signature is only effective to the contract script called by Entry
16 The signature is only effective to the specified contract script
32 The signature is effective to contracts in the group.
128 The signature is globally effective. It is the default value of Neo Legacy and is backward compatible.
Success Response

The wallet will return the direct response from the RPC node.

Parameter Type Description
script String The script which was run
state String Status of the executeion
gas_consumed String Estimated amount of GAS to be used to execute the invocation. (Up to 10 free per transaction)
stack Argument[] An array of response arguments
Error Response
Parameter Type Description
type String The type of error which has occured
description String? A description of the error which has occured
data String? Any raw data associated with the error


  message: '15c06345eebb49cdbc14421e03491951Here is a message',
  data: '7249925b8813e21fdfdd8c08d6b6c45c49c813e59c9cf64eec9a2d1b096c85baa874fb0b6eefc3f6c553a0b4f95c8c651607a7a416986c216f7175f45956d522',
  publicKey: '027b18c5aaae6a66ce8ab1a41f0ea0db4ec5bb5d6501d51c86cc994aca5275a461',
.then(({result: bool}) => {
  console.log('Signature data matches provided message and public key: ' + result);
.catch(({type: string, description: string, data: any}) => {
  switch(type) {
    case NO_PROVIDER:
      console.log('No provider available.');
      console.log('The user rejected the request to connect with your dApp');

Example Response

  result: true,

Returns whether the provided signature data matches the provided message and was signed by the account of the provided public key.

Input Arguments
Parameter Type Description
message String The original signed message
data String The signature data
publicKey String The public key of the account used to sign the message
Success Response
Parameter Type Description
result Boolean Whether the provided signature matches the provided message and public key
Error Response
Parameter Type Description
type String The type of error which has occurred
description String A description of the error which has occurred
data String? Any raw data associated with the error


  blockHeight: 100,
  network: 'N3TestNet'
.then((result: Object) => {
  console.log('Block information: ' + JSON.stringify(result));
.catch(({type: string, description: string, data: any}) => {
  switch(type) {
    case NO_PROVIDER:
      console.log('No provider available.');
   case RPC_ERROR:
    console.log('There was an error when broadcasting this transaction to the network.');

Get information about a specific block.

Example Response

  "hash": "0x881e36beda53f6e354516058cad52f26ba9c04e6e05eac8f61d0df25227a673b",
  "size": 689,
  "version": 0,
  "previousblockhash": "0xbd40665daee6a2174b24628d5d7c3f94e488e51b0e3f1a416d6f870be68e7146",
  "merkleroot": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "time": 1621309715037,
  "index": 100,
  "primary": 2,
  "nextconsensus": "NZHf1NJvz1tvELGLWZjhpb3NqZJFFUYpxT",
  "witnesses": [
      "invocation": "DECgjHj1POZB2VcJLRYm6Q8aI3eafaSr/jU1f/hUKTB0DayFD4OR4X3n7coMj4ZHSJzmNS/UereRmGn8TgG/WGlWDEBYWZcda6ppsFJpG3u5Vj0YobqJHpWRSDq0Qg+1pE5xpkx66YVbFdYWfP/XWkAEd89gamNUhZiG03D0XdRyc6W+DECGGJCdl5ZREOojNqUpEe+ei7/6Vl9Yuj0xf3h+UOq9lZIrg4Ht0qGvDGSdKD6p2P9iN5yTRbYYpwKexfSNEc1dDEBGpAkyPGbrz+WrtkwYg3hn5leKYFMQpQbFRNd5uDQ6SFBFFSHLceJO/Iia2jD4PndYDmow5Xgj1yRapOR52jqpDEDjUTzO7v2FL8SxfWKA5Uf5LgVj6yQhf4S/A719sI43DtJp2JuSBC+oD8sHr2oZ3dD7MN+SD7QqPOYqW6ls3nYU",
      "verification": "FQwhAwCbdUDhDyVi5f2PrJ6uwlFmpYsm5BI0j/WoaSe/rCKiDCEDAgXpzvrqWh38WAryDI1aokaLsBSPGl5GBfxiLIDmBLoMIQIUuvDO6jpm8X5+HoOeol/YvtbNgua7bmglAYkGX0T/AQwhAj6bMuqJuU0GbmSbEk/VDjlu6RNp6OKmrhsRwXDQIiVtDCEDQI3NQWOW9keDrFh+oeFZPFfZ/qiAyKahkg6SollHeAYMIQKng0vpsy4pgdFXy1u9OstCz9EepcOxAiTXpE6YxZEPGwwhAroscPWZbzV6QxmHBYWfriz+oT4RcpYoAHcrPViKnUq9F0Ge0Nw6"
  "tx": [],
  "confirmations": 232520,
  "nextblockhash": "0x6e4ccb0110b6e3d631b66ea45502253b0542be358aa6636ac202901e4da0c30c"

Execute a contract invocation in read-only mode.

Input Arguments
Parameter Type Description
blockHeight integer The height of the block you would like to get information about.
network String Network alias to submit this request to. If omitted, will default the network which the wallet is set to
Success Response

The wallet will return the direct response from the RPC node.

Error Response
Parameter Type Description
type String The type of error which has occured
description String? A description of the error which has occured
data String? Any raw data associated with the error


  network: 'N3TestNet'
.then((res: {result: number}) => {
  console.log('Block height: ' + res.result);
.catch(({type: string, description: string, data: any}) => {
  switch(type) {
    case NO_PROVIDER:
      console.log('No provider available.');
   case RPC_ERROR:
    console.log('There was an error when broadcasting this transaction to the network.');

Get the height of the current block.

Example Response

  "result": 232626

Execute a contract invocation in read-only mode.

Input Arguments
Parameter Type Description
network String Network alias to submit this request to. If omitted, will default the network which the wallet is set to
Success Response
Parameter Type Description
result Number Height of the current block
Error Response
Parameter Type Description
type String The type of error which has occured
description String? A description of the error which has occured
data String? Any raw data associated with the error


  txid: '0x3174b6a05a110986d09dfb418652fd454a1109db5b56feee382d9fa3c80231bd',
  network: 'N3TestNet'
.then((result: Object) => {
  console.log('Transaction details: ' + JSON.stringify(result));
.catch(({type: string, description: string, data: any}) => {
  switch(type) {
    case NO_PROVIDER:
      console.log('No provider available.');
   case RPC_ERROR:
    console.log('There was an error when broadcasting this transaction to the network.');

Get information about a specific transaction.

Example Response

  "hash": "0x3174b6a05a110986d09dfb418652fd454a1109db5b56feee382d9fa3c80231bd",
  "size": 245,
  "version": 0,
  "nonce": 1053966309,
  "sender": "NiULDRovMJYhFkUp6YLtiJYewk88ixDcjf",
  "sysfee": "9977780",
  "netfee": "1228520",
  "validuntilblock": 50294,
  "signers": [
      "account": "0x935ce5f249ac2771a3e9ec4b89934d6ecba171f7",
      "scopes": "CalledByEntry"
  "attributes": [],
  "script": "CxEMFIU5Il4pKR6Kf5xyOLaNS67/1PekDBT3caHLbk2TiUvs6aNxJ6xJ8uVckxTAHwwIdHJhbnNmZXIMFPVj6kC8KD1NDgXEjqMFs/Kgc0DvQWJ9W1I5",
  "witnesses": [
      "invocation": "DECrDdebDa4YkryS+q0Xx3arFzxZQVLG3YMLOA0i8v68kHobxjPhS00Ap70rT6fcr/0DrKAHgNaLGjDu+1HAvKbp",
      "verification": "DCEDuu8/R9rBJRzfJjOTME436fyss95SjCMzSXeqYPvY8sxBVuezJw=="
  "blockhash": "0xb60a9a4ffe6fb097b3c253ee52a9b396316d486f3c0fb4a8ea9e1698ab620444",
  "confirmations": 188093,
  "blocktime": 1622015624544

Execute a contract invocation in read-only mode.

Input Arguments
Parameter Type Description
txid String The id of the transaction you would like to get information about.
network String Network alias to submit this request to. If omitted, will default the network which the wallet is set to
Success Response

The wallet will return the direct response from the RPC node.

Error Response
Parameter Type Description
type String The type of error which has occured
description String? A description of the error which has occured
data String? Any raw data associated with the error


  txid: '0x3174b6a05a110986d09dfb418652fd454a1109db5b56feee382d9fa3c80231bd',
  network: 'N3TestNet'
.then((result: Object) => {
  console.log('Application log of transaction execution: ' + JSON.stringify(result));
.catch(({type: string, description: string, data: any}) => {
  switch(type) {
    case NO_PROVIDER:
      console.log('No provider available.');
   case RPC_ERROR:
    console.log('There was an error when broadcasting this transaction to the network.');

Get the application log for a given transaction.

Example Response

  "txid": "0x3174b6a05a110986d09dfb418652fd454a1109db5b56feee382d9fa3c80231bd",
  "executions": [
      "trigger": "Application",
      "vmstate": "HALT",
      "exception": null,
      "gasconsumed": "9977780",
      "stack": [],
      "notifications": [
          "contract": "0xd2a4cff31913016155e38e474a2c06d08be276cf",
          "eventname": "Transfer",
          "state": {
            "type": "Array",
            "value": [
                "type": "Any"
                "type": "ByteString",
                "value": "93Ghy25Nk4lL7OmjcSesSfLlXJM="
                "type": "Integer",
                "value": "1100000"
          "contract": "0xef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5",
          "eventname": "Transfer",
          "state": {
            "type": "Array",
            "value": [
                "type": "ByteString",
                "value": "93Ghy25Nk4lL7OmjcSesSfLlXJM="
                "type": "ByteString",
                "value": "hTkiXikpHop/nHI4to1Lrv/U96Q="
                "type": "Integer",
                "value": "1"

Execute a contract invocation in read-only mode.

Input Arguments
Parameter Type Description
txid String The id of the transaction you would like to get the application logs for.
network String Network alias to submit this request to. If omitted, will default the network which the wallet is set to
Success Response

The wallet will return the direct response from the RPC node.

Error Response
Parameter Type Description
type String The type of error which has occured
description String? A description of the error which has occured
data String? Any raw data associated with the error

Write Methods

Write methods will alter the state on the blockchain, and require a user signature.


  fromAddress: 'NfuwpaQ1A2xaeVbxWe8FRtaRgaMa8yF3YM',
  toAddress: 'NYMeJFcVKEkvG3Q89eBQCXqrYLHz4kTAdQ',
  asset: 'NEO',
  amount: '1',
  fee: '0.0001',
  network: 'N3TestNet',
  broadcastOverride: false,
.then(({txid, nodeUrl}: SendOutput) => {
  console.log('Send transaction success!');
  console.log('Transaction ID: ' + txid);
  console.log('RPC node URL: ' + nodeUrl);
.catch(({type: string, description: string, data: any}) => {
  switch(type) {
    case NO_PROVIDER:
      console.log('No provider available.');
    case SEND_ERROR:
      console.log('There was an error when broadcasting this transaction to the network.');
      console.log('The receiver address provided is not valid.');
    case CANCELED:
      console.log('The user has canceled this transaction.');
      console.log('The user has insufficient funds to execute this transaction.');

Example Response

  txid: 'ed54fb38dff371be6e3f96e4880405758c07fe6dd1295eb136fe15f311e9ff77',
  nodeUrl: '',

The send API can be used for accepting payments from the user in a cryptocurrency that is located on the NEO blockchain. It requires user authentication in order for the transaction to be relayed. The transaction will be relayed by the wallet.

Input Arguments
Parameter Type Description
fromAddress String The address from where the transaction is being sent. This will be the same value as the one received from the getAccount API
toAddress String The address to where the user should send their funds
asset String The asset which is being requested for payment...e.g NEP5 scripHash, GAS or CGAS
amount String The amount which is being requested for payment
fee String? If a fee is specified then the wallet SHOULD NOT override it, if a fee is not specified the wallet SHOULD allow the user to attach an optional fee
network String Network alias to submit this request to.
broadcastOverride Boolean? If this flag is set to True, the wallet provider will return the signed transaction rather than broadcasting to a node.
Success Response

In the case where the "broadcastOverride" input argument is not set, or set to false.

Parameter Type Description
txid String The transaction id of the send request which can be queried on the blockchain
nodeURL String The node to which the transaction was submitted to

In the case where the "broadcastOverride" input argument is set to True.

Parameter Type Description
txid String The transaction id of the send request which can be queried on the blockchain
signedTx String The serialized signed transaction
Error Response
Parameter Type Description
type String The type of error which has occured
description String? A description of the error which has occured
data String? Any raw data associated with the error


  scriptHash: 'ef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5',
  operation: 'transfer',
  args: [
      type: "Address",
      value: "NfuwpaQ1A2xaeVbxWe8FRtaRgaMa8yF3YM"
      type: "Address",
      value: "NYMeJFcVKEkvG3Q89eBQCXqrYLHz4kTAdQ"
      type: "Integer",
      value: "1"
      type: "String",
      value: "NEO"
  fee: '0.001',
  network: 'N3TestNet',
  broadcastOverride: false,
  signers: [
      account: "0x85afbd7dcaa61d4ff1009912856abede476061db",
      scopes: 128
.then(({txid, nodeUrl}: InvokeOutput) => {
  console.log('Invoke transaction success!');
  console.log('Transaction ID: ' + txid);
  console.log('RPC node URL: ' + nodeUrl);
.catch(({type: string, description: string, data: any}) => {
  switch(type) {
    case NO_PROVIDER:
      console.log('No provider available.');
    case RPC_ERROR:
      console.log('There was an error when broadcasting this transaction to the network.');
    case CANCELED:
      console.log('The user has canceled this transaction.');

Example Response

  txid: 'ed54fb38dff371be6e3f96e4880405758c07fe6dd1295eb136fe15f311e9ff77',
  nodeUrl: '',

Invoke allows for the generic execution of smart contracts on behalf of the user. It is recommended to have a general understanding of the NEO blockchain, and to be able successfully use all other commands listed previously in this document before attempting a generic contract execution.

Input arguments
Parameter Type Description
scriptHash String The script hash of the contract that you wish to invoke
operation String The operation on the smart contract that you wish to call. This can be fetched from the contract ABI
args Argument[] A list of arguments necessary to perform on the operation you wish to call
fee String? If a fee is specified then the wallet SHOULD NOT override it, if a fee is not specified the wallet SHOULD allow the user to attach an optional fee
extraSystemFee String? This fee will be added to systemFee
network String Network alias to submit this request to.
broadcastOverride Boolean? If this flag is set to True, the wallet provider will return the signed transaction rather than broadcasting to a node.
signers Signers[] Sender and the effective scope of signature
Parameter Type Description
type String The type of the argument with you are using
value String String representation of the argument which you are using
Parameter Type Description
account String Script hash of the account
scopes Number Effective range of the signature
allowedContracts Array? Signs array of the allowed contract scripts
allowedGroups Array? Signs public keys of the allowed contract groups
Field Description
0 The signature is used for transactions only, and is disabled in contracts
1 The signature is only effective to the contract script called by Entry
16 The signature is only effective to the specified contract script
32 The signature is effective to contracts in the group.
128 The signature is globally effective. It is the default value of Neo Legacy and is backward compatible.
Success Response

In the case where the "broadcastOverride" input argument is not set, or set to false.

Parameter Type Description
txid String The transaction id of the send request which can be queried on the blockchain
nodeURL String The node to which the transaction was submitted to

In the case where the "broadcastOverride" input argument is set to True.

Parameter Type Description
txid String The transaction id of the send request which can be queried on the blockchain
signedTx String The serialized signed transaction
Set script transaction attribute 0x20 according to the following conditions:
  • If triggerContractVerification is set to true, set 0x20 to scriptHash of the contract being invoked
  • If there is no fee, attachedAssets, or 'assetIntentOverrides', set 0x20 to the users address
  • If there are assetIntentOverrides but none of the inputs belong to the user address, set 0x20 to user address
Error Response
Parameter Type Description
type String The type of error which has occured
description String? A description of the error which has occured
data String? Any raw data associated with the error


  invokeArgs: [
      scriptHash: "ef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5",
      operation: "transfer",
      args: [
          type: "Address",
          value: "NfuwpaQ1A2xaeVbxWe8FRtaRgaMa8yF3YM"
          type: "Address",
          value: "NYMeJFcVKEkvG3Q89eBQCXqrYLHz4kTAdQ"
          type: "Integer",
          value: "1"
          type: "String",
          value: "NEO"
      scriptHash: "ef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5",
      operation: "transfer",
      args: [
          type: "Address",
          value: "NfuwpaQ1A2xaeVbxWe8FRtaRgaMa8yF3YM"
          type: "Address",
          value: "NYMeJFcVKEkvG3Q89eBQCXqrYLHz4kTAdQ"
          type: "Integer",
          value: "2"
          type: "String",
          value: "NEO"
  signers: [
      account: "0x85afbd7dcaa61d4ff1009912856abede476061db",
      scopes: 128
  fee: "0.11",
  network: "N3TestNet",
  broadcastOverride: false
.then(({txid, nodeUrl}: InvokeOutput) => {
  console.log('Invoke transaction success!');
  console.log('Transaction ID: ' + txid);
  console.log('RPC node URL: ' + nodeUrl);
.catch(({type: string, description: string, data: any}) => {
  switch(type) {
    case NO_PROVIDER:
      console.log('No provider available.');
    case RPC_ERROR:
      console.log('There was an error when broadcasting this transaction to the network.');
    case CANCELED:
      console.log('The user has canceled this transaction.');

Example Response

  txid: 'ed54fb38dff371be6e3f96e4880405758c07fe6dd1295eb136fe15f311e9ff77',
  nodeUrl: '',

Invoke Multi functions the same as Invoke, but accepts inputs to execute multiple invokes in the same transaction.

Input arguments
Parameter Type Description
fee String? If a fee is specified then the wallet SHOULD NOT override it, if a fee is not specified the wallet SHOULD allow the user to attach an optional fee
extraSystemFee String? This fee will be added to systemFee
network String Network alias to submit this request to.
invokeArgs InvokeArguments[] Array of contract invoke inputs
broadcastOverride Boolean? If this flag is set to True, the wallet provider will return the signed transaction rather than broadcasting to a node.
signers Signers[] Sender and the effective scope of signature
Parameter Type Description
scriptHash String The script hash of the contract that you wish to invoke
operation String The operation on the smart contract that you wish to call. This can be fetched from the contract ABI
args Argument[] A list of arguments necessary to perform on the operation you wish to call
Parameter Type Description
type String The type of the argument with you are using
value String String representation of the argument which you are using
Parameter Type Description
account String Script hash of the account
scopes Number Effective range of the signature
allowedContracts Array? Signs array of the allowed contract scripts
allowedGroups Array? Signs public keys of the allowed contract groups
Field Description
0 The signature is used for transactions only, and is disabled in contracts
1 The signature is only effective to the contract script called by Entry
16 The signature is only effective to the specified contract script
32 The signature is effective to contracts in the group.
128 The signature is globally effective. It is the default value of Neo Legacy and is backward compatible.
Success Response

In the case where the "broadcastOverride" input argument is not set, or set to false.

Parameter Type Description
txid String The transaction id of the send request which can be queried on the blockchain
nodeURL String The node to which the transaction was submitted to

In the case where the "broadcastOverride" input argument is set to True.

Parameter Type Description
txid String The transaction id of the send request which can be queried on the blockchain
signedTx String The serialized signed transaction
Set script transaction attribute 0x20 according to the following conditions:
  • If triggerContractVerification is set to true, set 0x20 to scriptHash of the contract being invoked
  • If there is no fee, attachedAssets, or 'assetIntentOverrides', set 0x20 to the users address
  • If there are assetIntentOverrides but none of the inputs belong to the user address, set 0x20 to user address
Error Response
Parameter Type Description
type String The type of error which has occured
description String? A description of the error which has occured
data String? Any raw data associated with the error


  message: 'Here is a message',
.then((signedMessage: SignedMessage) => {
  const {
  } = signedMessage;

  console.log('Public key used to sign:', publicKey);
  console.log('Original message:', message);
  console.log('Salt added to message:', salt);
  console.log('Signed data:', data);
.catch(({type: string, description: string, data: any}) => {
  switch(type) {

Example Response

  publicKey: '027b18c5aaae6a66ce8ab1a41f0ea0db4ec5bb5d6501d51c86cc994aca5275a461',
  data: '7249925b8813e21fdfdd8c08d6b6c45c49c813e59c9cf64eec9a2d1b096c85baa874fb0b6eefc3f6c553a0b4f95c8c651607a7a416986c216f7175f45956d522',
  salt: '15c06345eebb49cdbc14421e03491951',
  message: 'Here is a message',

Signs a provided messaged with an account selected by user. A salt prefix is added to the input string, and provided as a part of the data while signing. In the example, the signed value would be 15c06345eebb49cdbc14421e03491951Here is a message.

Input Arguments
Parameter Type Description
message String The message to sign
Success Response
Parameter Type Description
publicKey String The public key used to sign message
data String The signed data
salt String The salt prefix added to the original message before signing
message String The original message
Error Response
Parameter Type Description
type String The type of error which has occurred
description String A description of the error which has occurred
data String? Any raw data associated with the error

<!-- ### deploy

  network: 'PrivateNet',
  name: 'Hello world!',
  version: 'v0.0.1',
  author: 'John Smith',
  email: '',
  description: 'My first contract.',
  needsStorage: true,
  dynamicInvoke: false,
  isPayable: false,
  parameterList: '0710',
  returnType: '05',
  code: '53c56b0d57616b652075702c204e454f21680f4e656f2e52756e74696d652e4c6f6761006c7566',
  networkFee: '0.001',
.then(({txid, nodeUrl}: InvokeOutput) => {
  console.log('Deploy transaction success!');
  console.log('Transaction ID: ' + txid);
  console.log('RPC node URL: ' + nodeUrl);
.catch(({type: string, description: string, data: any}) => {
  switch(type) {

Example Response

  txid: 'ed54fb38dff371be6e3f96e4880405758c07fe6dd1295eb136fe15f311e9ff77',
  nodeUrl: '',

Will deploy a compiled smart contract to the blockchain with the provided input parameters. The GAS cost for deploying the contract will be calculated by the provider, and displayed to the user upon tx acceptance or rejection.

Input Arguments
Parameter Type Description
network String Network alias to submit this request to.
name String The name of the contract to be deployed
version String The version of the contract to be deployed
author String The author of the contract to be deployed
email String The email of the contract to be deployed
description String The description of the contract to be deployed
needsStorage Boolean Whether or not the contract will use storage
dynamicInvoke Boolean Whether or not the contract will be performing dynamic invocations of other smart contracts
isPayable Boolean Whether or not the contract will be able to accept native assets
parameterList String The list of input argument types for the Main function on the contract.
returnType String The list of output returnType argument types.
code String The hex of the compiled smart contract avm
netowrkFee String The network fee to execute the transaction, in addition to the deploy fee which will be added automatically
broadcastOverride Boolean? If this flag is set to True, the wallet provider will return the signed transaction rather than broadcasting to a node.
Success Response

In the case where the "broadcastOverride" input argument is not set, or set to false.

Parameter Type Description
txid String The transaction id of the send request which can be queried on the blockchain
nodeURL String The node to which the transaction was submitted to

In the case where the "broadcastOverride" input argument is set to True.

Parameter Type Description
txid String The transaction id of the send request which can be queried on the blockchain
signedTx String The serialized signed transaction
Error Response
Parameter Type Description
type String The type of error which has occurred
description String A description of the error which has occurred
data String? Any raw data associated with the error -->

Event Methods


neo3Dapi.addEventListener(neo3Dapi.Constants.EventName.ACCOUNT_CHANGED, data => {
  console.log(`Connected Account: ${data.address}`);

Method is used to add a callback method to be triggered on a specified event.



Method is to remove existing callback event listeners.


Events are a way for the wallet to asynchronously with the DAPP when certain changes occur to the state of the wallet that might be relevant for the


On a READY event, the callback will fire with a single argument with information about the wallet provider. At any time a READY event listener is added, it will immidiately be called if the provider is already in a ready state. This provides a single flow for dapp developers since this listener should start any and all interactions with the dapi protocol.

Parameter Type Description
name String The name of the wallet provider
website String The website of the wallet provider
version String The version of the dAPI that the the wallet supports
compatibility String[] A list of all applicable NEPs which the wallet provider supports
extra Object Provider specific attributes
Parameter Type Description
theme string UI theme of the provider


On a ACCOUNT_CHANGED event, the callback will fire with a single argument of the new account. This occurs when an account is already connected to the dapp, and the user has changed the connected account from the dapi provider side.

Parameter Type Description
chainType String Chain type of the new account
address String Address of the new account
label String A label the users has set to identify their wallet


On a CONNECTED event, the user has approved the connection of the dapp with one of their accounts. This will fire the first time any of one of the following methods are called from the dapp: getAccount, invoke, send.

Parameter Type Description
address String Address of the new account
label String A label the users has set to identify their wallet


On a DISCONNECTED event, the account connected to the dapp via the dapi provider has been disconnected (logged out).


On a NETWORK_CHANGED event, the user has changed the network their provider wallet is connected to. The event will return the updated network details.

Parameter Type Description
networks String[] A list of all networks which this wallet provider allows access to
defaultNetwork String Network the wallet is currently set to


On a BLOCK_HEIGHT_CHANGED event, the block has advanced to the next.

Parameter Type Description
network String Network of the block which changed
blockHeight Number Height of the new block
blockTime Number Timestamp of the new block
blockHash String Hash of the new block
tx String[] List of transaction ids executed in the new block


On a TRANSACTION_CONFIRMED event, a previously broadcast transaction via the dapi has been confirmed by the blockchain.

Parameter Type Description
txid String Transaction id which was confirmed on chain
blockHeight Number Height of the new block
blockTime Number Timestamp of the new block


The NEO N3 dAPI will provide these basic errors. It is up to the wallet provider to provide additional information if they choose:

Error Type Meaning
NO_PROVIDER Could not find an instance of the dAPI in the webpage
CONNECTION_DENIED The dAPI provider refused to process this request
RPC_ERROR An RPC error occured when submitting the request
MALFORMED_INPUT An input such as the address is not a valid NEO address
CANCELED The user cancels, or refuses the dapps request
INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS The user does not have a sufficient balance to perform the requested action